Dear Race Drivers,
Unfortunately our famous and loved has gone offline! This is such a shame, such a great site where you could get almost anything, and now it's gone.
We really couldn't let this happen, we miss rTracker to much. Unfortunately there was no way to get in contact with Sn34ky, the owner of rTracker.
In the end, we decided that this couldn't happen ! We really need a torrent sharing site for all our racing games ! So here we are a brand new start from scratch with the SAME RULES, FAIR ratio, and FREE for all, PERIOD!
RaceSimTracker does not only support rFactor, but all race games. You can share anything you like here in these categories.
We really need uploaders at the moment and Moderators! if you were a part of, staff or moderator/uploader. PLEASE feel free to join in again and send me a PM or mail me directly on is free for all, the bandwidth and server hardware are provided in charity from THANK YOU GUYS for that !
Have fun, let's get started ! Happy Sharing.
http://www.racesimtracker.comWe would like to ask everyone to join up ! Also if you want to become an uploader please do so ! Ask TJBolier or NightStalk3r or FASTLINE on there in PM or mail us. If you want to become a moderator PLEASE ASK also, we got many places to fill and you are ALL WELCOME !
Contact one of the staff, see here: team users will get MOD/Upload access

(pm on site)
(sorry if you know about this)