weischschon wrote:
Also in der Readme steht doch, daß die Modelle nicht alle from scratch sind.
Porsche 906 by RookieoftheMans, converted, modified and textured by NEChris
Porsche 910 by Gunnar333
Porsche 911 and 914 by NSF5, converted, modified and textured by NEChris
Nunja, die sind ehrlich und ich hab da kein Problem damit
Nur muß man sich fragen, warum dieser Mod bei rFC und RSCN wieder als "legal" eingestuft wird. Das ganze wird ja immer lächerlicher...
"Alle sind gleich, aber einige sind gleicher"
This mod has been legal from the begin since EA Games didn't response to our emails.
We (yes, I am part of the CSGT group too) sent some emails when we started with this mod. That was in the begin of F1C, so about 3 or 4 years ago. We never heard from EA that we did or didn't get the permission to use their models. So we did use them but most importantly, we name them in the readme
I agree with you guys, the models could have been high polyer. But since none of our members had the skills to create highpoly models from scratch, we searched for the same models in other games.
Another reason is that we want to make as much cars as possible which means that there are a lot of cars on track. And with about 30 to 40 high poly cars you get a bad FPS, what you don't have with low poly models
I hope I informed you enough
And sorry for not writing in German....